#dst theory
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ekletia · 13 days ago
I have a very crazy idea. I played with the thought "What if...."
"What, if Wilson is Cyclum? The ancient King?" He just Reincarnated in another world. The "real world" in United Kingdom.
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I first thought about it because of the eyes. Cyclum looks like wilson used to look.
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If this is true, it would make sense why Wilson is valuable.
What if Maxwell kidnapped people because the shadows were looking for Wilson? - Wilson was the last person to be kidnapped in 1921, but he was the only one who made it to the throne room.
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What if Wilson really loves science because he's been doing it in his previous life?
The ancient king helped his people with his knowledge and magic. Became a strong technologically advanced species in the caves.
and now....
Wilson helps survivors with his knowledge and inventions. Helping Yourself and Others. Btw: And yes, a very curious person and his heart is in the right place. Eg: He wanted to rescue the nightmare werepig because he felt sorry for him.
What if time repeats itself?
What does Wilson say about you?
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Yeah. He is a genius and not the "camp boss" just the Modern Major-General.
He invented that....
-search the moon piece -> The moon island
-rescue the nightmare werepig
-discovering the cave system
-exploring the Ancient Civilization (Here I think of the stone tablets most and the iridescent gem.)
Almost all his ideas unleashed chaos in the constant.
What about Charlie and Metheus?
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when wilson is brutally tortured she'll be very pleased. If all this is true, then you might be smiling so hard to get revenge. Because of the past. Because he recognized Wilson and knew that he was actually the ancient king.
And in the last video, they showed how much Charlie didn't like Wilson.
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What about Wilson's beard?
It's a little interesting how natural you can grow. The magneficident Beard. Okay, This is a normal human things, but he use with meat effigy. Meat effigy is a magic item.
Why is magic things? The wood and meat not have magic, just a beard. He beard has magical powers.
If it is true that he is the ancient king. Reincarnated in another world. Then it is logical to have a shadow power or a property that comes from the constant. What if he is a Human-shadow creature? But just have magic shadow power?
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If you lose your mind, the rabbits will turn black. They can give you beard hair like Wilson. Wilson has a beard as big and full as a rabbit man's.
Yeah this is very crazy idea, but what if is true?
Would be a very big twist in the story.
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canadaxed · 6 days ago
Lucy is an Ancient!.... theory.
you might like this if you: really like the idea of eldritch beings falling in love with some normal ass dude who is totally unaware.
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I also posted this all on the Klei forums, which might be easier to read for some people. Click here for that version.
A while ago I posted: "someone remind me to make a post on my theory about Lucy being an Ancient" and I finally got around to it! Feel free to read. It's a long one, but the main timeline for the idea is in the last paragraphs if you want to skip ahead.
Here's the theory now:
Hey gang, I figured I'd post this theory I have. I dunno if anyone else has picked up on it, I didn't find anything myself. I'm gonna try my best to explain why I believe Lucy the Axe could be..... an Ancient!! Like the spirit of the Shadow Maul or Reaper. 
First things first, lets start with Woodie, the scraps of lore we have for him, and what Lucy means to him.
We know that the survivors entering the Constant (at least in the DS era) have a pattern of wanting something, or being emotionally vulnerable- and this is typically what Maxwell preyed on to get them into the Constant. 
In Walter's short, we get a glimpse of Woodie's cabin. He has references to his family being from Scotland in it, various stereotypical Canadian British Columbian Guy decor, two very conspicuous chairs in the main room.... and "Lucy's" outside.
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That's right... Woodie never took the physical "Lucy" with him. I put Lucy in quotation marks because we don't know if Lucy was always his axe... or if she was the person that second chair in his home belonged to.
The guy went deep into an uninhabited forest to get away from people, why would he have two chairs in his home right next to each other? Pair this with with how he leaves his red "Lucy" axe outside, rather than having left her on the chair or something like one might if they were romantically invested in something.
Keep this in mind too when considering whether Lucy could’ve been a real person or was always an axe.
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Now, putting the pieces we have so far together, one could follow this story pretty easily:  Woodie lost his wife and was reminiscing on memories of her while listening to the radio, which was the prime moment for Maxwell to swoop in with the promise of reuniting them.
Don't Starve fans might be skeptical for a few reasons: DS fans are split pretty evenly between wanting Woodie to be "just some funny guy" and also desperately wanting more information on this mysterious Lumberjack. When you put this theory into perspective, it all feels too easy; or it just feels wrong to completely blow open a huge point in Woodie's lore that is otherwise kept close to Klei's chest. 
Secondly, somewhat related to the first point: Klei's got plans in motion for their lore. The idea of even the gameplay of the world is that you start out knowing nothing, and slowly, SLOWLY, you gain more information. Even then, though, the game becomes more complex and deep. Essentially the team's been doing the same thing with their lore. Whether they only had a loose idea at the beginning and are now really hitting the road running with the direction they want to go in terms of lore, or if they always had an idea for it: they've been giving us glimpses of it over the past... 12 years? We've never gotten the full picture even after all this time, all these shorts and expansions. And each new bit of lore that gets revealed, there's another complexity added to it. Again, people might be thinking "this is just too easy a conclusion to come to, I could've thought of that." 
They might just really be banking on Woodie's general obscurity in relation to the main story as a way to give him a lot of interesting tidbits that people won't immediately dissect.
Thirdly: I'm just one person posting something on the internet. I could just be way too much of a fan of Woodie and reading too much into all this. And I could totally be wrong or be wrong about some things and right about others. Either way, I don't anticipate getting any answers from Klei for a long time if at all, which only adds to skepticism. 
(If you ask me, Don't Starve and its short animations/puzzles/lore drops are begging to be nitpicked.)
So lets back-track a little and talk about why Klei might've decided to drop so much potential, very vital Woodie lore in this one short. (AKA: the Woodie Tangent part of this theory thread, cus I love him)
If you've seen the short animations on Youtube, you might go to the comment sections here and there to get a general community consensus on them or the character. The comments are overwhelmingly positive and a lot praise how the lore is being handled. 
Then you get to Woodie's very own animated short.... 
If you've seen it, you know it's a silly animation where Woodie , in the Constant (unlike other shorts til then), is chopping trees and gets attacked by a tree guard. He uses his three wereforms to fight it, and overall its a pretty fun time. The comments are mostly positive, but a lot expressed disappointment in not getting any more lore about Woodie. He's a very mysterious character, even despite having one of the longer character bios in the game. 
So, eventually Walter comes along. A young boy from Canada, part of a boy scouts troop, really into monsters. If the developers didn't have Woodie in mind when making Walter, they ended up becoming very intertwined character and story-wise anyway. Klei being the cheeky devils they are, decided that if people wanted Woodie lore so bad, they'd get it.... via Walter's short. We only get a few glimpses at background things (we might've even got a hint that Woodie lives on vancouver island) but to Klei, that's enough. Clearly we've gotta do something with what we got. 
But even Walter's short didn't give us enough for full answers to anything.
Let's move on and get to the real stuff: Lucy, Maxwell, and the Ancients.
The Ancients in Don't Starve lore refers to a powerful society of bug people that existed in the Constant long, long ago. They went extinct because of their over-reliance on nightmare fuel, which brought them from famine and gave them great magic and technology that allowed them to live in a bustling utopia, for a while.
We see an ancient in the metaphysical "flesh" in Hamlet as the Ancient Herald. We also know that the spirits that embody such weapons as the Shadow Maul or Shadow Reaper were once ancients, and their souls were probably in the pure horror/dark tatters used to create those items. 
Anyway, the reason why they matter in this instance is because the only other living, talking tools we know about in the game are the Shadow Maul and Shadow Reaper, who both happen to have special dialogue for Woodie. They’re possessive over him, and jealous of and particularly spiteful towards Lucy. They’re also made with dark magic, unsurprisingly, and that’ll come into play later in terms of my theory for Lucy’s existence. I’m noting now that the Shadow Reaper/Maul and Lucy all have a nonchalance about them and are eager to be used. Also, that they all feature red prominently in their designs.
As fun as I find all these personality similarities though, we won’t talk about them much. Here are these comparisons for the hell of it:
Shadow Reaper quote:   "We make a good team, no matter how you ssssslice it." Lucy quote:   “We make a good team!"
Shadow Maul quote:   "Ch- cho- chop. CHOP!"   "Ch- chop tree... CHOP TREE!"   "CHOP! CHOP! CHOP!" Lucy quote:   "Chop chop chop. Heh."   "Chop, c-c-chop!"
Also on this point of Lucy being a magical item, remember how she will always disappear in the world if Woodie’s gone too long and be replaced by a normal axe. If Woodie tries to use any normal axe that isn’t her, she immediately disappears from where she was last dropped and poofs right into Woodie’s hands in place of that axe.
Alongside this, typically you can only carry/have one Lucy at a time, and she does have special dialogue if you can somehow hold another one.
So, we’ve established the similarity between the talking items. Keep in mind that its established now that inhabitants of the Constant can summon the souls of the Ancients to be used as objects with dark magic.
Moving on…
Its safe to say Maxwell couldn’t manipulate too much beyond the confines of the Constant and his portals and the radios, like we see with him needing Willow and Wilson’s help.
He also can’t seem to drag anyone into the Constant whose name doesnt start with W. Also, whenever Maxwell “fulfills a wish” in order to get a survivor into the Constant, it always comes with a twist. (If Woodie didnt want anything new or different from his current life, he wouldn’t have been lured in. If Woodie just wanted his axe to actually talk to him, he wouldn’t just be given that no strings attached. If Woodie wanted someone back and was promised they’d be in the Constant, why not turn them into his axe, which as a lumberjack he’s metaphorically married to?)
The possibility of Maxwell dragging Lucy’s spirit into the world alongside Woodie is feasible, considering Wendy and Abigail’s situation. But if that were the case, then why not let her stay as a spirit attached to Woodie, rather than having to construct an entirely new form of axe? Because remember, Woodie didn’t bring his real axe into the Constant with him.
You could argue: “because he’s bored. Lol.” and to that i say….. Yeah true lol. Work with me here! 
Here’s another potential point towards Lucy’s spirit being brought in with Woodie: Wendy’s quotes for Woodie often refer to Lucy, and how Abigail favours her. 
But keep in mind that this (Wendy/Abigail recognising a spirit in Lucy) only tells us that there IS a presence in Lucy. Also, considering Winona’s short, I think it’s safe to assume that Abigail might only be able to exist in the Constant because of her flower somehow being tethered to its magic. Lucy wouldn’t have had that.
Alongside that, Maxwell’s quote for examining Lucy:   "Ah. How have you been, Lucy?"
He knows there IS something in the axe and appears familiar with her
Let’s rule out a few other ideas for Lucy’s existence real quick (just in terms of this theory… because i still love these interpretations): 
Lucy being purely in woodie’s mind: then other characters wouldn’t think much about her, Maxwell wouldn’t speak to her so familiarly or as a real person. Even if the magic going into the DST world made her able to speak, Maxwell would be more likely to show surprise at her sentience (its something new that happened after his reign) 
Lucy only existing because Woodie willed her into existence on arrival into the Constant: See above, Maxwell wouldn’t be so familiar with her. Plus, putting together the pieces of woodie having left his real-world fire axe outside his house while he was spending his down time inside, we can assume that woodie in the real world didnt have the same deep connection to his axe. If he could will something into existence, why not have it be the real person he was missing that he wouldve shared that chair with?
Lets start wrapping this up.. Cus I’m no good at writing coherently in long-form.
Here’s what I think could be the potential timeline of events for this theory, putting all the pieces together: 
Maxwell needs to lure a depressed, possibly mourning Woodie into the Constant and promises him he’ll reunite him with his partner, Lucy. Her spirit’s not tethered to the real world anymore (because unlike Abigail, she didn’t have that odd flower) and Maxwell can’t manipulate the world outside of the Constant to that degree- but he has a lot of power inside of the Constant. He calls upon the spirit of an Ancient, seemingly the only spirits that can be returned to a level of sapience, with dark magic of which he’s especially adept, and forges its spirit into that of a special axe.
Then, either he imbues the axe with Woodie’s memories or the axe/eldritch powers-that-be gain them in their own way (think Maria from Silent Hill,) and upon Woodie’s passage to The Constant, he receives her. 
As far as Woodie’s concerned, he’s gotten everything he needs, and takes his existence in The Constant without much disdain. As for Lucy, her old Ancient spirit is happy to be alive again and feeding off living beings (trees). It takes getting used-to to be an entirely new “person”, but she gets the hang of it. She’s clingy and codependent because he’s her source of fuel, but quickly forms a bond with him and ends up caring about his wellbeing, to the point of helping his survival in the DST era. Woodie is blissfully unaware and thriving.
Alright, thanks for reading! I know it was a lot. Feel free to discuss. I love Woodie and Lucy. I'm sure I missed a few things, like maybe how Lucy knows about Woodie's wereform cycle with the moons and when his beaverness gets low (the moon thing could be a reference to how the Ancients worshipped "Alter"/Them, and the beaverness thing could just be her dark magic picking up on his curse) ... or how Lucy is very picky with other survivors and very sure of herself/forward/brash like the other sentient items, but those are more of a stretch.
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kesia-stupid-arts · 2 months ago
please share your woodrow / wx headcanons im so curious. I also widely disagree with most of what the fandom has to say about them
Ahh, sorry for taking so long to respond to this! WX-78's buildday was tomorrow, maybe this is the best time to respond to this! LOL
I've thought about this, and I've realized this is not exactly a headcannon... just an analysis and theory of their canon, but everyone can have a different interpretation anyways.
You see, I usually see how people write WX as someone who still has the memories of their time as a human, but if you analyze it well, they don't.
If you take a good look at their dialogues, you will notice that they are ignorant about some things that humans commonly should know about, for example, WX does not know what a cat is, they don't know about christmas traditions, and a lot of other dialogues that make it seem like they know nothing about human's world.
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But the best evidence is in their animated short, when Winona re-connects the Empathy Module, their memories as "Woodrow" flow back (they immediatly remove it because they don't like it). In my opinion, the Empathy Module isn't exactly a component that gives WX-78 emotions or empathy, but it's a module where Woodrow's memories were stored, and by removing it, they lose all their memories as a human.
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However, WX-78 might not forget EVERYTHING, there's some dialogues that they imply they still remember a few things:
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Probably there were a few memories so deeply stuck into WX's mind that it survived the removal of the Empathy Module.
Btw, a little theory I'd like to share: In my opinion, WX-78 and Wagstaff knew about the Moon even BEFORE entering the Constant. The way WX speaks about the Moon makes it seem that's was always a goal they've been pursuing for a long time, which makes me think that Wagstaff found out about Alter's power at the time Woodrow or WX were working with him, and by consequence, WX also knew about it. This might also be a memory stuck with WX that survived the disconnection of the Empathy Module: Their goal to get the Moon's power.
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But anyway, that's just my interpretation and theories about their character, no one is wrong for having their own theories or hcs!
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dstconfessions · 6 months ago
Originally, Wilson's beard was proof to me that he was cis, considering the time period and that hrt wasn't remotely available. But now seeing how his beard grows much faster compared to the other bearded men (none of their facial hair changes even with how long they've been there), Wilson just makes his own testosterone (and possibly goes overboard).
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maybellewheelerfan · 7 months ago
Booze wanter
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She has a unusually large arm forgive me 😢
Too silly frfr. Her personality is confident but stupid as shit. She walks into a bank with a black ski mask and pistol and says, “ok ok, I know this looks bad.”
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I’ve been playing terraria all day, on the grind for the pew-matic that the deerclops boss drops 25% of the time. I’ll talk about the fact the pew-matic horn was in a DST collab when it never appears in it LATER.
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fduck0 · 1 year ago
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in this frame the flowers behind Abigail are all grey and just stand there sadly while the ones closer to Wendy are still looking red and pretty alive. And while this is just likely to be a lighting thing, I WANNA GO OFF AB THIS AND THE ANIMATION SO GET READY
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First things first, as much as Wish you were here is SUCH a good animation for Wendy, I feel like the pandemic really affected its production, as we dont really have storyboards for it, or at least not any that i could find and it has some very chaotic storytelling, which tbh fits wendy PERFECTLY with her chaotic grief, but i feel like it leaves the viewer a bit confused over what they just saw. Because of this, i have mostly seen 2 interpretations of this animation.
Version number 1. is the general, oh the animation is a hallutination induced by Wendys poor mental state, as the screen gets more grey at the end when she realises abigail is gone, which would mean that her sanity is low. And tbh i kinda have a lot of mixed feelings on this take, as it leaves a lot of things unexplained, but it is also an EXTREMELY likely possibility for wendy to either be in a psychotic episode due to her loss, or any other stuff that could cause it.
MY issue with this take is that it leaves the question, why the hell was Abigails ghost there in the first place then?
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Why would the flower come down at the start of the animation and leave at the end, if Abigail isnt actually there.
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Also like, Wendy didnt even see the flower, she doesnt react to it being next to her, she doesnt pick it up, WHY WOULD IT BE THERE?
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And all of this leads me to version number 2, of this animations meaning. Wendys description has always been "Haunted by her twin sister" (or at least in ds lmao). So this just leads me to believe Abigail is actually there.
We know from the quotes that Abigail can still move in her flower most probably,that or she can fully go invisible, idk know tbh, klei doesnt give us almost any info ab how the ghosts work😭😭 but both would explain the flower coming down FROM THE FUCKING HEAVENS AT THIS POINT, to visit Wendy and then leave at the end. (also the thing i talked ab at the start with the flowers in the bush looking alive)
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(Wendy clearly cant see Abigail in these quotes)
But i have to admit, if this is the chase, then why the FUCK would Abigail come down to visit Wendy only to fall off the cliff MOST PROBABLY AGAIN, i have no fucking clue.
Could this be determined if we had more info on the ghosts? most probably.
Why was Abigail there in the first place? Probably there to cheer Wendy up or just wanting to play with her again tbh.
Why did Abigail decide to fuck off at the end when Jack shows up? Tbh idk but its probably the fact her goal is most probably just to look over Wendy, since the flower is still there by her side.
Did this probably affect Wendy EVEN MORE, as both her and her family probably thought she was losing it? If this theory is true, then 100% yes.
why did the sanity loss filter appear at the end? Either Abigail going back into the flower, or just the realization that OOPS, NOBODY THERE.
But yeah this is pretty much it. Both takes on it leave some questions tbh, and while i like the second more for being more mystical and kinda goofy both of these are just as likely. THAT OR ITS BOTH. THAT OR ITS FUCKING NEITHER IDK
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alephnol · 1 year ago
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i have a feeling the black arms, since not caused by maxwell most likely,
Is prooobably not a good thing- maybe an experiment gone wrong?
Or a curse?
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knockknockitsnickels · 2 years ago
Wilson lore for all the Wilson lore enjoyers
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dr-beans1 · 2 years ago
Ok idk why, but Klause is one of my favorite bosses from don’t starve together. Mostly because of design and lore.
1 He has a valid reason to fight you. Ok so to start the fight with Klause you gotta find his stash which is a bag, then you gotta find a no eyed deer antler to try to unlock it as it is surrounded by a key. The lock will dial and break and Klause will come. Klause his blind and relies on his sense of smell and cannot speak due to both his eyes and mouth being sewn shut. So basically you try to steal from a blind man and when he comes to defend his stuff then you kill him.
2 He is a caring pet owner. He has two deer whom he seems to care much for, he gives them gems so that they can use fucking magic and he even gets enraged when they die becoming super powerful.
3 He May be the real goddamn Santa. I know this may be a crackpot theory but imma say it anyways. So when you kill Klause you can get gifts from his stash as he drops the working key to it, then stays contains wrapped bundles and during the winters feast they look like wrapped gifts. These gifts drop Gems, Hold and most importantly charcoal. There’s another place in the game where these gifts spawn, Under the Christmas tree in the winters feast which get there when you sleep and the screen grows black. Since we don’t see who delivers the gifts we can deduce that since Klause is the only one that has access to these gifts it must be him delivering them. With the context of us finding these gifts in his stash it turns out we don’t just kill a blind man for his stuff, we kill him for the stuff he was going to give as gifts.
6 His connection to krampus. In his fight he summons two krampus to help, Krampus is a mob that comes when you do to many naughty deeds (Killing to many innocent creatures like Glommer or rabbits.) So we can deduce he is a leader of some kind to the krampus with their similarities in appearance. It can also be observed that Krampus only steals and does not aim to kill so it seems you kill some sort of leader of a justice system in the constant.
7 Klause can use items and is in fact very powerful. In the second phase of the fight you kill Klause and he comes back to life with a life giving amulet he was wearing. This shows he can use items and can plan ahead making him much more intelligent than other bosses who are mostly animals. Also in phase 2 he loses the chains he had in phase one as he gets more powerful showing that he was holding back or restrained in some way.
Just wanted to talk about one of my favorite bosses in concept and design. I just like the image of this giant monster chasing someone down giving them fear and trauma only to give them a gift when catches them.
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arolesbianism · 2 years ago
Wendy and Abby fuck me up so bad just like in general but what keeps coming back to haunt me is wondering how long they had to go through it all just them two. How many times did Wendy die, how many times did Abby watch the light fading from the eyes of her twin. How many times was it slow, how many times was it in a split moment, how many times were they together when it happened, how many times did Wendy die completely alone. It's just like god damn no wonder Wendy talks Like That not only did Abby die but poor kid has been forced to become accustomed with death in a much more direct way than even adults are built to handle
#rat rambles#dst#and like if I may read more into these characters than was probably intended#I feel like a lot of abby's in game behavior just clicks once you look at her from a oh this kid has watched her sibling die a Lot#like no wonder shes so protective#also love how abby's constant wandering and twirling also adds up like yeah shes a bored kid with too much energy#but yeah I think ppl tend to not realize just how big a part being stuck in the constant is in regards to hashtag wendy depression moments#although its reasonable since not everyone has read all of this brats dialogue like me <3#dont read all of wendy's dialogue you will feel your brain melting like 5 minutes in#but yeah wendy brings up the whole being stuck in the constant thing a Lot#and wendy is under no illusion that death is an escape in fact he brings up the fact that its not quite a bit too#oh and I think ppl get the flavor of wendy's suicidal thoughts wrong most of the time#hes currently much more in the go to sleep and not wake up flavor than the I want to be with my lost loved one flavor#its less abt wanting to die and more abt wanting to stop being able to be in pain#luckily thing have technically gotten better for the both of them#like ofc theyre still fucked up and traumatized and still Being traumatized but at least theyre not alone#theres some sense of normalcy. wendy has friends now and in theory so does abby.#they can afford to just be kids again. not always unfortunately but much more than before#shit still sucks but at least they have the other survivors now
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kesia-stupid-arts · 2 years ago
My first thought was that he was working for Charlie, like Maxwell, but thinking better, he might be working for her unknownly or even naively, because his dialogue for her doesn’t change (unlike Maxwell when he got his rework).
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Edit: It occurred me that the "loyalty" might have something to do with Fuelweaver. Charlie needed Fuelweaver for something, and she steals his power when you defeat him, so she might have rewarded Wilson with the knowledge because him and his friends killed him (even thought they didn't do it to help her).
Can’t wait for the animation to prove me wrong! (or not)
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"The Queen will reward your loyalty..." WHAT IS GOING OOOONNNNNN
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ekletia · 12 days ago
The Crazy idea is continued....
Ancient Fuelweaver (What if...?)
Previous post :Wilson was the king of his ancient civilization who was reincarnated in another world.
I got a really good question from @octobercrowsblog
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I think that in order to be able to dissect this subject, we have to talk about a lot of things.
How did the Ancient Fuelweaver come about?
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The very first fuel weaver was created by the ancient king by connecting the bones with the fuel itself. He raised this creature from the dead. (Thus, the ancient king himself cannot be the fuel weaver.)
Btw: You get the bones, the heart and the ancient gateway power.
Why get the ancient gateway power?
My view is that to keep them alive they need constant dark shadow magic care. Moon phases are very, very important. In the evening and new moon the shadows become stronger.
I'll talk about the gate some other time. The another post.
What is the role of Ancient fuelweaver?
He is a gatekeeper. Whose very existence is tied to the constant release of energy from the gate. If there is no gate, he does not exist. Therefore, it is possible that the cave and forest versions live only when it is evening.
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Therefore, you can say this sentence. "Lend me your power one last time." Because its existence and its power are due to the gate. What is important to note here is that the gate itself can be a thinking being.
But what else does he say?
As it happens, the survivors here are fighting the creature together.
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It's a small conversation between the gate and the guard. The Battle Begins. Survivors attack the creature.
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You can say this to the survivors and make a comment about the downfall of your own civilization.
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I think it's a sarcastic comment on the fight.
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It turns out that he quickly lost control of the fight and that the survivors themselves prevailed over him.
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He doesn’t want to believe he’ll be defeated.
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You can probably tell the gate to protect him. But the gate did not protect him from death.
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It is possible that he has accepted his fate here that he will die.
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What if the world is in trouble because time itself has been tampered with? That's why the world's fabric is worn out. What if that's why they're trying to catch Wanda? The shadows just want to stop him from traveling through time, because it's not good for this world.
What if wagstaff and wanda caused serious problems by traveling through time? (I will explain this better in another post.)
The other part is Wilson. If the assumption is true that he is the ancient king. He is also responsible for the world being in trouble, because it is not in its place. The shadows were looking for him the real world. -Come back the King.
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Here it is possible to mark the end of his work. The connection with the gate no longer exists. The gate guard was defeated.
My opinion of the creature
The person who valued life the most could live for the shortest time. He was a creature with a task. He performed this task and he is failed. He is a strong man who can defeat anyone. Finally, reality hit he hard. He had a heart full of emotions.
Yes, I know we will raise him. Charlie is glad there are no more guards at the gate. That's why the Shadow Queen is giving us a new power, because we helped him.
This is my crazy idea. What if it true??
Next crazy theory
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notnotstarving · 4 months ago
Walter's Werebeaver Story
And my theories about Woodie, based on nothing but my superior mind, intuition, and some dream that I had.
lines = { {duration = 3.0, line = "Did I ever tell you the tale of the Werebeaver?"},
{duration = 2.5, line = "I went looking for him myself, you know."},
{duration = 3.0, line = "They say he was once the owner of a big lumber company,"},
{duration = 2.5, line = "who gave the order to clear-cut an entire forest"},
{duration = 2.5, line = "against the wishes of the people who lived there."},
{duration = 2.5, line = "For this, they say he was cursed..."},
{duration = 2.5, line = "If he or his company cut one tree too many,"},
{duration = 2.5, line = "he would turn into a hulking, hairy beast,"},
{duration = 2.5, line = "with axe-sharp front teeth."},
{duration = 3.0, line = "He lost everything, and hid himself away in a small cabin,"},
{duration = 2.5, line = "deep in the heart of the woods."},
{duration = 2.5, line = "But it was not enough to satisfy the curse."},
{duration = 2.5, line = "People say he's still there, roaming the wilderness,"},
{duration = 2.5, line = "gnashing his long, fearsome teeth!"},
{duration = 1.5, line = "..."},
{duration = 2.5, line = "Well, that was the story I heard anyway."},
{duration = 3.0, line = "Mr. Woodie's never told me if it's actually true..."},
So first of all. This is the closest to Woodie lore we have ever gotten in YEARS and AGAIN its via Walter and not Woodie directly. Second of all, the last line implies Walter has asked Woodie directly about his curse but the man WON'T SAY ANYTHING!! I'M GONNA STRANGLE HIM!! Third of of all, LOOK AT WATER HE'S SO CUTE GOSSIPPING ABOUT HIS DAD 💕💕💕
ANYWAY. I don't actually think Woodie was some bigshot company owner, he's just so down to earth that I can't see it. I think Walter's story is just a local legend that the locals who have spotted the werebeaver came up with. Since these kinds of urban myths are spread through word of mouth like a game of telephone, they often evolve into something different than what the original source stated.
HOWEVER, as scientists we must consider all options, so let's dive in.
Theory #1 - Walter's Story
Woodie owned a big lumber company, gave the order to cut down too many trees, and was cursed to be a beaver by the locals or some kind of supernatural power protecting the locals.
The lumber company could've been a family business, which would explain why his parents named him Woodie. Walter implies he's asked Woodie if this story is true, but Woodie remains tight lipped. Woodie doesn't mention his past too much and he seems like the reserved type, but he doesn't seem like a liar, in fact he strikes me as an honest man. Even though he's a changed man, Woodie's most likely ashamed of his past, being a greedy business owner with no regard for nature. If he's ashamed, he probably doesn't want Walter knowing the truth, but also doesn't want to lie to the kid and say he was cursed a different way, so he neither confirms or denies it.
Plus this is the closest we've gotten canonically to anything relating to his curse's origin.
Theory #2 - Walter's Story (in my dream)
Woodie was hired to get lumber from a forest, cut too many trees on sacred ground and was cursed by the spirits that rest there.
Yes I dream of dst, moving on. So this is very similar to the one klei gave him (I'm a prophet), and this is the one I actually believe happend. Since this story is so similar, (he chopped too many trees and faces the consequences), his reasoning for neither confirming or denying his origins to Walter remains true for this one too.
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Now we all know he controls his curse via kitschy idols, which resemble totems. According to the wiki, the word totem derives from the Algonquian word odoodem [oˈtuːtɛm] meaning "(his) kinship group". You know who else has connections to that area? Woodie.
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Woodie mentions a lot of places/things from all over Canada, my guess is his lifestyle is just more nomadic than the average person. I think he took a job at Algonquin Park (logging was allowed under strict guidelines) and maybe cut into an area he wasn't supposed to. Once he realized he was cursed to be this man beaver monster, he ran off far away to hide away in a small cabin in Vancouver Island. At least, that's the island I think Walter's map most resembles.
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Theory #3 - Alter
Woodie got cursed by magic relating to alter. How? Idk, there are multiple ways this could've happened but that's not the main thing I wanna focus on because at that point it's semantics. What I wanna know is why is woodie still cursed?
If the moon cycle is what causes his curse, why is he still affected in the Constant? The moon is not actually a moon there, it's Alter, some kind of deity. If the curse affects him both in the constant and the real world, I think there's more of a connection between the constant and the real world than we originally thought. It's possible that the moon in the real world is a medium for Alter's influence. Or maybe if we wanna get more bizarre with it, they're actually one in the same. Alter just can't or won't be perceived in the real world for some reason. I don't think it's too far fetched to think there's some kind of connection there. After all, we know there's shadow stuff in the real world, why not moon stuff?
Anyway, that's all the time I have for today, these are my most plausible explanations to Woodie's curse. If anyone else is actually reading all this, I'd love to hear thoughts and even different theories, maybe you have one I haven't thought of.
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kesia-stupid-arts · 2 years ago
Now theory time!!!
Evidence would suggest that Wilson’s house is Wagstaff’s old house. You can see his goggles and the radio.
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Then that means...
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That old fucker really brought Woodrow’s empty body with him to his house and put it under the floor 💀
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dstconfessions · 6 months ago
I often wonder about Webber and how he works.
When he fused with the spider, did the spider muscles get added into his own (I do kinda think he is at least slightly physically stronger than the other kids, even if he doesn't have any damage multiplayers like Wigfrid and Wolfgang), or was his body actually digested leaving a spider with the skeleton structure of a human child. And the fact that he fused with the spider when it tried to eat him makes me wonder if it could happen again or if there was a specific cause. What if this happened with any of the other survivors instead?
Also the fact that the silk he produces acts like a beard makes me think that the spiders in the constant have their spinnerets somewhere inside their mouth and that Webber's beard is more like a combination of silk and drool.
Thanks for listening to me ramble.
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eachuisge-cc · 18 days ago
Hi! First of all I wanted to tell you that I'm a big fan of your CC. I use practically everything 🫶🏼 I wanted to ask you. I've seen that the werewolf women, when they transform, have a kind of "seams" on their shoulders, which depending on the lighting are quite visible. I'm attaching a couple of photos so you can see what I mean. It's a problem with the game itself, not CC. (I've checked it) and I don't know if you could solve it in some way seeing the wonders you do. Thanks!
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I definitely have a theory as to why that might be: the fem frame and masc frame have slightly different UVs and it's very annoying (I have similar seam issues with my cat skins because of it). When I was looking through the DST files to texture the digilegs I found that the werewolves actually have the same amount of different overlays for muscle/weight variation as human sims, but for some reason they're all identical. they just did a single one size fits all werewolf texture and put that into every slot regardless of body type. I'm not 100% sure if this includes separate fem/masc frame textures as well as body types because nothing in the file cruiser is clearly labelled, however I do intend at some point to make a fully redone werewolf fur texture override for the digilegs that fixes some of this and fixing seams on fem frame wolves will certainly be on the list.
but also jesus christ EA why would you release something that looks like lazy cc.
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